
Our color palette has been established not only to support our brand, but to communicate with our users by reinforcing the purpose of the content.

Primary Brand Colors

Primary Red

PMS 180


rgb 91, 59, 59

cmyk 1, 87, 77, 13

Primary Black

PMS 426


rgb 36, 39, 44

cmyk 81, 67, 55, 83

Primary Gray

PMS 430


rgb 124, 135, 142

cmyk 13, 5, 0, 44

Primary White

PMS white


rgb 255, 255, 255

cmyk 0, 0, 0, 0

Secondary Brand Colors

Bold Blue

PMS 2955


rgb 0, 57, 104

cmyk 100, 52, 0, 58

Bright Blue

PMS 3005


rgb 0, 119, 205

cmyk 100, 35, 0, 2

Medium Blue

PMS 5405


rgb 68, 105, 125

cmyk 71, 30, 13, 41

Slate Blue

(web only)


rgb 30, 55, 69

cmyk 15, 5, 0, 73

Calm Blue

PMS 5435


rgb 166, 188, 198

cmyk 28, 7, 4, 12


PMS 348
rgb 0, 133, 66
cmyk 100, 4, 87, 18

Dark Red

PMS 484
rgb 154, 51, 36
cmyk 0, 67, 77, 40


PMS 142
rgb 239, 189, 71
cmyk 0, 25, 76, 0


(web only)
rgb 239, 166, 62
cmyk 0, 29, 69, 6

Burnt Orange

PMS 145
rgb 202, 119, 0
cmyk 0, 49, 100, 8


(percentages of Primary Black)

Black 5

5% PMS 426


rgb 244, 244, 244

cmyk 0, 0, 0, 4

Black 10

10% PMS 426


rgb 233, 233, 233

cmyk 0, 0, 0, 9

Black 20

20% PMS 426


rgb 211, 212, 213

cmyk 1, 0, 0, 16

Black 40

40% PMS 426


rgb 167, 169, 171

cmyk 2, 1, 0, 33

Black 60

60% PMS 426


rgb 124, 125, 128

cmyk 3, 2, 0, 50

Black 80

80% PMS 426


rgb 80, 82, 86

cmyk 7, 5, 0, 66

Color Usage


We value an aesthetically pleasing use of color, but place a higher value on clear communication. Color supports our visual hierarchy of information, graphic user interface (UI) states, and calls-to-action. Color also has a strong psychological influence, which is considered in our choice of hue and shade.

Use Primary Red sparingly—this color is reserved for the logo and for high-priority information such as navigation and calls-to-action. Otherwise, Dark Red is preferred.


The most important rule in choosing color is maintaining adequate contrast for readability and visual interest. The color system is designed to meet WCAG compliant contrast ratios of at least 3:1 for graphics and user interface components (such as form input borders), 7:1 for normal text, and 4.5:1 for large text. This makes things easier to find, identify, and interact with—though we don’t rely on color alone and always clearly label important information.

For this reason, reversed color logos (white with red stripes) must be used on a background of at least 88% black.